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Monday, July 25, 2011


Here I am at my uncles garadge in coatsville, pa. burning the midnight oil as it goes, helping to build the stock car for the 1979 season. I was fourteen at the time. The fourth photo show's what would be the end result for the sportsman car, with minnie mouse on the side. My uncle bob would do most of the driving duties that year, but also had dan cox and, gary butler wheel it a time or two. The second photo show's the same car reworked and reskinned for the 1980 season with driver eddie mumford for the complete season. Eddie captured a couple win's in the V7 at bridgeport that year. Pop said that the photo of me sleeping on the couch at the garadge was taken about 4:00 oclock in the morning lol.(Click Photos to enlarge)

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