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Saturday, October 23, 2010

An Old Favorite

From the nazareth/ flemington day's...K.W. at speed on the square here. 1986

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Now That's Real Racing!

This has to be the best racing i've seen in a long time. Someone post this on SJDR and when i seen it, i just had to share it here. From a fan's point of view, it does'nt get any better than this. Who ever paid money to see this show absotutely got their monies worth! How much would you be willing to pay to see a weekly show like that? I remember the modified's ran simillar to this at the reading fairgrounds, alot of three wide, tooth and nail racing for the lead. Two thumbs up!

Jack Follweiler & The "Rolling Thunder" #115

Here is Jack from back in the day. Anyone care to guess what the year was?  Bottom photo is the car Jack was suppose to drive in the owner's race at grandview, but instead had Brad Missimer wheel the car for some reason? I think i like the old car better! Modern photo by (Fred George)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Jack & The Jack Johnson Tribute Car

Here is Jack Johnson racing at nazareth back in 1985 in one of his famous #12a modified's.  Bottom photo is a crystle clear shot by photographer Fred George. The Henry Yeska #12a  Jack Johnson tribute car, that ran last saturday during the T.O.T.H show.

Miller Time!

Some car's have all the luck! Miss Motorsport's 1991 Midi Miller..